Hoewel ze er menselijk uit zien en als een mens klinken, tonen psychopaten geen berouw, hebben ze geen geweten, en hebben ze geen bezorgdheid of compassie voor anderen behalve voor henzelf. Ze azen op onze broeders, zusters en kinderen; ze liegen tegen ons en manipuleren ons. Ze vergiftigen ons en vertellen ons dat het voor onze eigen bestwil is. Ze maken het leven onleefbaar. Ze zorgen ervoor dat samenlevingen in elkaar storten en dat oceanen sterven. Terwijl hun hebzucht mensen en de planeet opvreet, zetten ze aan tot haat en vermoorden ze leiders met een goed hart.
De psychopathische leiders en zij die ze commanderen deinzen nergens voor terug. In deze tijden, kan een ware mensheid zich verenigen en zich bevrijden van de chaos. Maar mensen moeten het probleem zien en het delen.
De geschiedenis herhaalt zich. Deel deze kennis - voor onze toekomst: de toekomst van de mensheid.
Verdere Leestips
- Politieke Ponerologie - Een wetenschap over de aard van voor politieke doeleinden aangewend kwaad
- Interview met psychologe Martha Stout over psychopaten: mensen zonder een geweten
- Reflectie op "Politieke Ponerologie"
- Political Ponerology book review: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes
- Capitalism: A System Run By and For Psychopaths
- Ignotas Nulla Curatio Morbid - A Review of Political Ponerology by Andrzej M. Lobaczewski
- Ponerology 101: Snakes in Suits
- Ponerology 101: Psychopathy at Nuremburg
- Ponerology 101: Lobaczewski and the origins of Political Ponerology
- Ponerology 101: Rising to the Top
- Ponerology 101: The Dangers of Pit Bulls and Climate Control
- Reflections on Political Ponerology Sott.net Interview with Andrew Lobaczewski
- Ponerology: The Study of Evil - Interview with Marian Wasilewski
- Psychopathic traits are useful tools in politics
- Psychopaths Rule The World: The Devaluation of Human Life
- The Word is Spreading: The Ruling Psychopaths Among Us.
- Ponerology: Psychopaths and their role in geopolitics
- Masters of Manipulation: Psychopaths rule the world
- Ponerology of Apathy and War
- How Will the 99% Deal with the Psychopaths in the 1%?
- More People Ask: Are Politicians Psychopaths?
- Psychopaths Rule the World - What to do?
- Ponerology: Psychopaths and their role in geopolitics
- Super psychopaths reign in politics and medicine
- Gerald Celente says it as it is: Israel and the USA are ruled by psychopaths
- The Startling Accuracy of Referring to Politicians as 'Psychopaths'
- Is the world run by Psychopaths?
- Are US Presidents Psychopaths?
- How psychopaths changed America
- The United States of Psychopathology: The mental illness of choice for CEOs and Politicians
- Psychopaths far more common in human population than people believe, says expert
- Psychopaths - A Solution?
- Psychopaths Caused the Financial Crisis ... And They Will Do It Again and Again Unless They Are Removed From Power
- Psychopaths on Wall Street? You Betcha!
- Is the Root of Evil the Psychopathic Mind?
- Beware Corporate Psychopaths - They Are Still Occupying Positions of Power
- Economic neoliberalism selects for, and glorifies, psychopathic behavior
- Psychopaths: the perfect academic word for US political, economic "leadership"
- It's official: Psychopaths rule our world - Israel elected to chair UNGA
- Dick Cheney's Heart of Evil, Psychopathic Political Systems, And The Correct Uses of Social Stigma
- Gerald Celente on "the psychopaths and sociopaths in power"
- From Aspartame to Political Ponerology
- Psychopaths 'flourish' at top of corporate ladder
- Signs and symptoms that you are working for a psychopath
- Psychopathic Bosses and Institutional Bullying
- Book review of Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work
- The road to pathocracy: Why ponerology is important to solve the world's problems
- News article about psychopathic bosses describes and provides ponerology education
- Psychopaths in business and politics - Beware
- Dr. Paul Babiak on the crisis of psychopaths in the workplace
- Psychopathy and the CEO: Top executives have four times the incidence of psychopathy as the rest of us
- Heart of darkness: Scientists explain why psychopaths are the 'perfect recruits' for Daesh
- How Societies Regress to Become Pathocracies
- Behind the Headlines: Women Who Love Psychopaths - With Sandra L. Brown
- Psychopaths feign emotion in order to take advantage of others - Study
- War in the Shadows: The Psychopath's Dream
- Psychopaths Among Us
- Psychopaths' brains are differently wired
- The Trick of the Psychopath's Trade: Make Us Believe that Evil Comes from Others
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- A Warning from the Ancestors - Psychopaths in Folklore and Fairy Tales
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- The world must stand up against psychopaths in power, and most importantly stand up against the psychopathic regime in Israel! Ken O'Keefe nails it again
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